Burnt Store Marina to Marathon

Here are a couple photos from our first leg of the trip leaving Burnt Store Marina on the west coast of Florida as we headed down to Marathon…

We got up early the morning of February 2nd and left the dock. We had a great stay at Burnt Store, but we don’t plan on returning. We’re finally on our way to far off lands!!


It was real foggy when we left. Super glad we had the radar to see other boats out in Charlotte Harbor.




We cruised right toward a rainbow in the fog. It looked like we might find the end but of course we never did ;)


A few dolphins swam under our bow as we made our way out of Charlotte Harbor. Only a taste of what’ts to come!!





Instead of anchoring along the way, we kept on going all the way to Marathon for our first over-nighter. We took shifts and tried to sleep as much as we could but I think we were all too excited to get much rest. We had to dodge the crab pots as best we could but I’m sure we ran over a ton once it got dark. There was just no way around it.


It took a good 26 hours but we made it safe and sound!




  1. Aunt Penny says:

    Jody, I am so very happy for you, it fills my heart with joy that you have found such bliss…the photos you are sharing are so amazing, your telling of your story through the lens is captivating and draws us in to your adventure, we all wish we were there with you…you should think about publishing your tale. And it seems you had some Guardian Angels to see you off on this joyous trip…it is nice to know the Grandmas are checkin in(was it 2 or 3 dolphins?)And what a beautiful rainbow! Amazing!

  2. i lucile oxford says:

    Peter and Jody. I cannot believe I missed both your calls. I miss you both and cannot wait to see you . Let me know when and where we should come and meet up with you. The beginning of your journey looks amazing. I will try and answer my phone from now on so I do not miss another call. I love you and have you in my heart and thoughts every day.

    Love Auntie Lucy xxxooo :}

  3. Mark and Cindy - s/v Cream Puff says:

    Hey guys. I thought I would chime in with some unsolicited advice on crossing the Gulf Stream. Even seasoned sailors do not take this passage lightly. With good preparation and a sound plan, the trip can be very enjoyable.

    1. Have a start point in the USA that you are comfortable navigating in the dark hours of early morning. Depending on where you depart the USA, you may have to leave at night to ensure a daylight landing.
    2. NEVER plan to arrive in the Bahamas after dark. There are strong currents, unmarked reefs and shifting sandbars. Do not expect charted channel markers to be there when you arrive. Ensure you have local knowledge of the arrival port before you leave. Most marina’s in the Bahamas are helpful with the entryways and you can always check activecaptain.com
    3. NEVER NEVER NEVER cross the Gulf Stream with any aspect of a North wind. This pits the wind against the Gulf Stream current and huge waves can kick up (20+ feet). You need to take this part very seriously. While you are waiting for a window to cross, wait an extra day for the winds to shift more southerly. The seas will remain rough for about one extra day after the northerly has shifted east or southeast.
    4. Use sources such as Chris Parker, NOAA, and passageweather.com to look for a safe window
    5. Watch out for traffic. This is a very busy part of the ocean.
    6. Be sure to make the course adjustment calculations for the northward current. You heading vs. COG can deviate as much as 25 degrees (depending on the current).
    7. Upon arrival, if you are unsure about the entry. Stop. Radio ahead. Some marina’s while send a boat out to follow in. Most likely you can catch another boat to follow into any channels. Talk to other vessels on the VHF. Everyone there is in the same boat (pun intended). So, they are willing to help when asked.
    8. Try to arrive on a rising tide. However, this is the lowest priority. Weather is the foremost priority.
    On the fun side: Trail a fishing lure as you cross. On the shelves of each coast, the fishing is spectacular. Expect to catch mahi-mahi. Yellow and green lures work best. If you catch the fish on the Bahamas side – claim you caught it in the USA as a fishing permit is required. The water is a beautiful deep blue and very clear.
    This is not intended to rattle you in anyway. People cross the Gulf Stream all the time. It just needs to be respected. This will be a great adventure.


    Mark and Cindy
    s/v Cream Puff

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