Win a FREE HelpEmUp Harness

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I am so happy to announce that Blue Dog Designs (the makers of the HelpEmUp Harness) has graciously offered to let me host a giveaway for one of their amazing harnesses, in honor of Gunner!

As you all know, our sweet boy, Gunner, recently passed away. Without his special harness, we could not have had him on the boat with us for the last two years. A 75lb senior arthritic dog on a sailboat seemed crazy to many, but it was never a thought in our minds to leave him behind. It was because of HelpEmUp that he was able to live out his retirement by our sides 24/7 and be a part of our endless adventures sailing around the Caribbean, Where The Coconuts Grow.

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I recently published an article sharing 8 Reasons Why We Love The HelpEmUp Harness. Since then I’ve received countless comments and emails from all over the world about how this harness has been a miracle for their family. It brings tears of joy to know that I can help introduce so many people to HelpEmUp, in hopes that it will do for them what it has done for us.

Visit for information on how to choose the right size and style of hip lift.

If your furry companion could use a little help getting up or down from the bed, car or boat, or has any mobility issues at all, take this opportunity to enter to win a FREE HelpEmUp Harness! Just enter your email address in the form below. Email addresses will *ONLY* be used to contact the winner.


Winner will be contacted via email to obtain size, style and shipping information. Entries must be received by Monday November 16th at 11:59pm EST.

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Even if you don’t win, I highly recommend giving HelpEmUp a try. These harnesses are worth their weight in gold!


  1. MWhite:LittleCunningPlan says:

    Hey,, I’m trying to share the link with friends on Facebook, but the link that I’m getting for signing up for the contest apparently doesn’t work.

  2. leilan moisa says:

    Thank you!! my baby is 14 and now has issues with his back legs, I have heard wonders about the harness!! thanks! ❤️

  3. Antonio says:

    Jody and Peter I already buy one from the factory to help “Dr.Buda”my Rottweiller. Let’s give a name for this quite of harness? Okay, I propose…Gunner Harness Sailing Boat lift-up! Cheers, António & Nani

  4. Rob Kilbourne says:

    I am very sorry for your loss, they are truly part of the family. We too have a old Dog living aboard our sailboat. “Cannon” is 12 and can not jump like he used to and is starting to go blind, but that does not stop his young soul. Cannon rides on my bicycle(extra cycle), Motorcycle and just wants to go everywhere we are going. He has a hard time with sailing offshore so we have committed to not cast off till he is no longer with us. I see you are from the PWN. My wife and I are currently in Bellingham, but are looking to sail south. Again sorry for your loss. You have a great web site and should be shooting more videos.

  5. Stacy Metz says:

    We read with sadness of your loss. You both have been amazing parents to Gunner and Betsy, you have given them an amazing adventure and life! My kids are jealous! We think of you often and send love your way, Stacy and Patrick

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