Well boys and girls, the time has come for us to begin our journey South again. Where has the time gone?! We are two months into “H” season and before August is upon us we want to get down to the Windward Islands where statistically fewer named storms travel through.
If a ‘big one’ comes, we can race down to Trinidad with a few hundred other cruisers who will be watching the weather with us several times a day. The forecast for this H season is very light so we’re not too worried, though we are always cautious.
A favorable weather window has opened beginning this Friday 6.17.15. We’ll leave cozy Christmas Cove and sail up to Virgin Gorda, then point toward Guadeloupe and beyond!
Last year we made this journey at the end of June. You may recall how our first time through the OH-MY-GOD-A (Anegada) Passage went, but if you’re new to our blog, be sure to take a few minutes and read it here —> http://wp.me/p41bpr-IO
We definitely hope for a less eventful and more restful passage this time around.
If all goes to plan, our buddy-boat Necesse will be traveling with us. Eben will be returning this Thursday from a wild and crazy sailing adventure off the coast of Tanzania so he may want to wait until the next weather window before they follow in our wake. Either way, we look forward to many new adventures down island with them!
Only another week or two and we’ll be back at our FAVORITE place in the Caribbean, The Tobago Cays!
Since I’m definitely still new to your blog, I read about your previous passage … wow! Definitely hoping for smoother sailing this time around!
Thanks Guerrina! :) We hope to avoid some of the areas we sailed through last time. Stay tuned!! :)
Love you all and pray for a safe and quick passage as you head down island.
We are launching the boat July 27th. See ya when you get down here
Steve and Jude
See you soon!! :)
It’s always exciting to hear more about your current adventures! Have a wonderful, safe trip & keep those posts coming!
Thanks Judy! :)
Safe sailing! We’ll catch up with you in a bit. We’re wondering if Granada will be a good choice for us as a “home” next summer and wanted to pick your brain. We’re also thinking Cartagena? Cheers!
It’s a great choice! We haven’t been to Cartagena yet so can’t compare :)
Have a safe and less eventful passage this time. Everything is an experience but there are some we would rather not face again.