We are so lucky to be here, on our very own boat, really doing this, just going for it, living the dream!! Just in time for Thanksgiving, we are thankful for a lot of things but most of all that we are able to be here living this amazing lifestyle.
Holidays are a little different when you live on a boat but our first thanksgiving as liveaboards was nothing short of traditional. The number one must have item was a homemade pumpkin pie!! It’s absolutely against everything I was raised with to use a store-bought pie crust so in our tiny little galley I set out to whip one up. It’s so easy to make and totally worth the effort of mixing it and rolling out the dough. There is a secret family recipe I use that makes the crust extra yummy. Anyone who wants to try it is welcome aboard :)
We thought about cooking up a full spread on the boat for just Peter and I but that would have taken days in just one smallish 15″x15″ oven. We didn’t plan early enough and all of our neighbors were going elsewhere to celebrate with their families. The Harbormaster of Burnt Store Marina invited us over to her house, yet something else to be thankful for. Peggy and her husband Don had several other cruising friends over and we heard lots of great salty stories from some wonderful people who have “been-there-done-that”. We had a huge traditional meal with turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit salad, cole slaw, stuffing, deviled eggs, olives and biscuits. Of course we brought the fresh-baked pumpkin pie and someone else brought a banana pudding dish. Delish!!!
The last few days have been really chilly here, dropping to an astonishing low of 40 degrees at night. Our days have been calling for sweatshirts and pants, oh my!! We’ve been snuggling up and keeping it cozy in our humble aboa-t. The day after Thanksgiving I caught the boys snuggled up together so cute. Gunner loves morning time with his daddy after waking up, going outside and then eating breakfast. Peter and the kids go back to bed and read for a while. Its Gunner’s favorite time of the day. For the cold nights we’ve been making yummy hot comfort food. Our favorite on the boat so far is pasta shells with homemade meat sauce. It had the perfect amount of spice and kept us warm and toasty.
Dinner up in the cockpit is SOO cozy!! Especially when its raining. We have our LED lights plugged in and a dehumidifier to add a little warmth and dry it out. A couple of blankets and a hot meal make this a real fun place to be when its cold and stormy. We leave the kids downstairs so its kind of like a date night too :)
We hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving with friends, family and loved ones. Happy Holidays and thanks for following our blog!!!
I had to LOL when you said… last few days have been really chilly here, dropping to an astonishing low of 40 degrees !!! I just gotten back from Walking my Dog, and the Temp. was -32 Below 0 near North Pole, Alaska ;) I’m glad you guys had a Great Thanksgiving !! That’s what life is about…Enjoying each others company and living the Kind of Life you want! To many people are afraid to that! Wishing you The Best of coming holidays !!!
Rod – Yikes! -32 below is definitely too cold for us! Cheers to living the kind of life we want :) happy holidays to you as well!
So much indeed to be thankful for this year. Having so much when so many are in need around the world and here in our own country.
So true Jim. Counting our blessings every day.
Jode, Grandma Marcie would be SO proud to see you making pumpkin pies!
Hope you and Peter are doing well, stay safe.
Miss ya,
Uncle Jeff.
Uncle Jeff!! Yes she would be so happy to know I still love to bake :) Hopefully she will enjoy all the places we are going to see when she is watching over us.
Your sauce looks wonderful. Great job. Glad you made the pie, I told the other girls that if Jody can make a pie in a boat galley then they should be able to make one in a reg. size kitchen…….they opted for store bought this year. Think Ali is going to make an apple pie this weekend…..She is the only other one that makes a pie.
So thankful that all is turning out as you had visioned. I love it when a plan comes together! Love you all, Bean
Bean, its okay if they don’t learn to make pies, they will just have to come have some of mine on the boat!! You will too, its your turn to have someone else bake them for you. xoxo
Glad you are so warm and cozy…I’m sure your 40 seems warmer than ours…heading to the 30s and below this week, and the ski season is open. Now you be careful bout givin any Family Pie secrets away, or we may have to come and make you walk that plank! Funny how some families have their traditions…I took pies(of course) to the Talbots…great exchange for not cooking the dinner…but nobody really eats pie in that family…Not like us, where you must have at least 3 kinds of pie, and everyone has a slice of each!
So happy you are happy Jody dear…Love ya, Aunt P
Alright!! Yes I am happy to do pies over cooking dinner too ;) Thanks for the comment, we love to hear from you all!