May 27th we sailed over to a little anchorage between Little Jost Van Dyke and Sandy Spit. It’s a popular spot for charter boats but not many stay over night. We had the place all to ourselves in the morning and evening hours…
We snorkeled near the reefs in the crystal clear water spending the day in paradise. It was only a short walk around the whole island. The cool Caribbean Breeze felt so refreshing after our swim.
Yes, this place is real. Our little slice of heaven. Would you like to go?
Peter decided we should go on a romantic walk down the beach. And what did we find?
A coconut of course! Another sign we are exactly where we are supposed to be :)
Fragments of coral were scattered all over this tiny little island. Picture perfect and very secluded. It’s a magical feeling when you have an island all to yourself!
I think the best part of Bean’s trip was getting to cuddle with Gunner again :)
Next stop? Cane Garden Bay, Tortola!
Stay tuned for more pictures during our stay in BVI!
We are currently working on boat projects and blog posts in Grenada for the remainder of Hurricane Season. If you’re in the Secret Harbor neighborhood, come say HI :)
Heaven indeed … gorgeous photos!
WOW! You got some great pictures. So glad to see that little island again. It was a very fun day. I have some coral from there. Beautiful pictures……and yes it was wonderful to cuddle Gunner. All treasures to me. Bean
The bar in White bay got way bigger. I remember a ice chest, 4 stools, a umbrella and a jar to put your money in. Going into Foxe’s made it very drunk out. Jody tell your grandma Beany that she’s hot, but too your for me. Wow. tks for bringing back great memories.